I use to enjoy visting the Cinemark, sometimes more than once a week. Even though it's futher from home than other dollar theaters. \r
Now that they've increased the cost of the large refillable bucket of popcorn, it's not the value for me that it use to be. I'm also finding that I have to leave the theater in the middle of the movie, to add more butter to my popcorn, now that they have the self serve butter. The increase of the drinks is also cost prohibative. \r
I've started going to another theater where the popcorn is also freshly popped, and the counter personnel add your butter to taste, the cost is $5.00, and the drinks are also affordable.\r
Cinemark has gone the way of many other merchants who've increased their prices, in the worse possible economy.\r
Be ready to duck the fall out, cause I predict lots of it, come summer.\r
Pros: Ticket Cost
Cons: Refrestment cost increases