I'm very experienced in receiving massages, as is my wife. We have had massages all over the world. But the massage therapist I can't seem to get enough of is Jennifer.
The first time we visited her I got a massage while my wife had her haircut (I should say that Danielle made my beautiful wife even more beautiful.) I felt like Jennifer picked up my muscles and put them back where they belonged. I wasn't sure my wife would like that agressive of a massage (she is a self admitted wimp that loves to be pampered.) To my suprise, she came out of her massage dreamy and satisfied.
I have referred several of my co-workers and clients to Jennifer and have not heard anything but praise. I can guarantee you'll be very happy with a massage from her.
One thing to note - this address is out of date. Their new address is on the square by the Inn on the Park.
Pros: Service, Atmosphere
Cons: Downtown location - parking can be tricky