My experience, as with so many others who go here, is simply poor, perhaps one of the poorest retail operations I've ever experienced. If you want bad advice and to over pay, go here. Bowtech is the only reason to go here. Get your bow and go to Bass Pro in Gurnee. Don't even let them sell you any accessories or arrows. Here was our experience: a) convinced us to buy a left handed bow b/c of left eye dominance (neutral); b) sold us an expensive tru-ball release and never fit the release to the customer (just lazy); c) ordered us a bow that they could not supply and after 15 business days, made us change the order to a non-camo version b/c that's all they could get (you may want to blame that on Bowtech, but their relationship with Bowtech must be pretty poor); d) set every component of the bow up incorrectly: rest / center shot was way off, peep sight way off, draw length, an 1.5"" SHORT!!!!!; arrows were the wrong length, wrong spine and over priced (we bought a dozen for nearly the same amount @ BassPro); draw stop was on the WRONG CAM (they didn't even catch this). Our experience was a nightmare. Avoid this place unless it is your last or ONLY resort.