Ok I'm gonna try to make this real easy to follow and understand... IF you want to waste time and money on fancy boxes, chargers, dangerous as hell e-liquid, manuals and every other accoutrementation (to make a word up) under the sun ... BE MY GUEST ... if you want to go to the store and buy a pack of smokes .. smoke till the pack runs out and then buy another one ... then let's keep talkin' .... this is what I am talkin' about here ... you buy one of these DISPOSABLE electronic cigarettes and it is exactly like going to the store and buying a pack of smokes .. when the battery starts to flash or it starts to taste funny it's done ... throw it away ...buy another one ... what you'll avoid is bein' in the car with a dead battery that you can't recharge or any of the hassles of trying to find your exact brand of some obscure electronic cigarette that only you and the manufacturer know about... I'm talkin' HASSLE-LESS here folks.... these disposables are equivalent to a pack and a half of real cigarettes ... can you say DISPOSABLE? good then call me (310) 308-1244
Stone Stedman
oh by the way we deliver if you want to buy by the carton.. go to google type in ""electronic cigarettes Los Angeles"" and I am EVANS ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE ...you'll see my number there (310) 308-1244 .. have a nice day.
myecigsite . com
Contact E-mail: perpd @ yahoo . com
Place: Los Angeles