So we went to Churchill's for the first time because of a coupon purchase on Restaurant . com. The service was great (at first), until we presented our $10 coupon towards our food purchase, which we were told that they no longer accept and that they had a problem with restaurant . com. The waitress told us that was the second restaurant . com coupon to come through that night.\r
I would have been more understanding about the situation if they said, we're having a problem with restaurant . com, but since you didn't know that, we'll go ahead an honor the discount this time, but in the future we won't accept them. Instead, we were made to awful about expecting them to honor their contract. \r
The waitress turned from nice to nasty and said that it was only $10 and she didn't understand why were upset about it. We expressed that we were not upset over not receiving $10 off our meal, but over the principle of the matter. Why should we, a potential returning customer, have to pay for their misfortune/misunderstanding with the discount offered by restaurant . com, which Churchill's obviously signed up for to attract business?\r
We tried to be polite as possible but still express our dissatisfaction. We weren't being ugly or rude at all, just trying to convey to her why we weren