Another branch of the restored gospel. I have attended so many various denominations in my lifetime but I always come home to where I was raised.
My Uncle Sam DiFalco is an elder (minister) at this location of our church.
I have learned the truth behind the saying "a family that prays together...stays
together". Our entire family and extended family have always worshipped together and now that I am older I feel that we are one of the richest families
that ever was. Rich in spirituality. I have had so much support in my life but
also, at times, that meant I had more watchful eyes on me. Especially when
I was a teenager. Yes, I rebelled and I had lots of spiritual mothers and fathers that kept me within their the time I hated it...but am so happy now. I understand why they did what they did. This location is just
north of 14 Mile Road on the east side of Dequindre. My Uncle Tony DiFalco,
vice-president of ABC appliance warehouses who recently passed away was a
strong member here.