Dr. Irgau is a great professional with an experience of over 2000 bariatric surgeries and a great care for his patients.
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Christiana Institute of Advanced Surgery specializes in providing advanced surgical services with a focus on minimally invasive surgery, or laparoscopic surgery, and excellent patient care. General surgery focuses on the abdominal area and includes appendix removal, hernias, gallbladder surgeries, stomach issues and intestinal issues. \n\nDelaware General Surgery Procedures\nThe CHRIAS team specializes in several types of general surgery procedures including:\n\nCancer surgery\nGallbladder, colon and spleen surgery\nHernia repair\nAnti-reflux surgery\n\nColorectal surgery is commonly performed using minimally invasive techniques such as laparoscopic surgery or robotic surgery. \n\nDelaware Colorectal Surgery Procedures\n\nThe CHRIAS team specializes in several types of colorectal surgery treatments, including:\n\nColonoscopies\nColonoscopy screenings\nBowel incontinence\nAnal fizzures\nColorectal cancer\nDiverticular disease\nHemorrhoids\nInflammatory bowel disease including Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis\nBowel incontinence- Insertion of Sacral Nerve Stimulator\nFistulas\nRectal abscess\nAnal warts\nAnal cancer\nTAMIS (Trans Anal Minimally Invasive Surgery) for rectal tumors\n\nDrs. Irgau, Wynn, Peters and Singh perform safe and effective laparoscopic bariatric procedures that reduce the size of the stomach and restrict how much the patient can eat at one time:\n\nLaparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAP-BAND and REALIZE Band)\nLaparoscopic gastric bypass\nLaparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve)\nvBloc Therapy\nNon-surgical Intragastric Balloon