Come Find your Spot at Christian Center!
Oneighty Ministry-Wednesday @ 6:45
Children's Ministry-Every Service
Missionettes and Royal Rangers-Wednesdays @ 7:00
Women's Ministry-Watch for announcements!
Prayer Ministry - every Saturday night @7:00pm
College and Career - Every Tuesday night
S.W.A.T. - (Serving While at Tears) - Our benevolence ministry is made up of men and women ready at a moments notice to help in times of a family's sorrow, sickness, or possibly just needing a helping hand. Whether it's groceries or dinner, the S.W.A.T. ministry team will take turns calling, supplying dinners, groceries, and delivering the meals to the families. If you are interested in serving on this mercy mission call Sarah in the Church office.
Joy Club- (Just older Youths) - If you are 40 or older, come join with this 'happenin' group one Friday night a month. This Pillar of the Assemblies group knows how to have fun and to revel in the years and knowledge that God has graced them with. Check the Calendar for Joy Club dates and times.
College and Career - College and Career meets every Tuesday night at 8pm in the 180 building. The Bible Study is taught by Pastor Justin Long. Once a month Christian Center provides a free meal before the Bible Study begins. Whether you are at the Junior College, CSW, or a young adult making a living in the world, finding support with other Christians will strengthen your walk with Christ.
Children's Ministry - From birth and up, all children have a place at Christian Center. Our Kidz Church is known for it's creativity, music, and energy to teach children the Gospel of Jesus.
Youth Ministry - (7th grade and up) 180 is the Wednesday night youth group meeting. It is a night that starts with fun and games and transitions into praise, worship and a message from our Youth Pastor Justin Long. It starts at 6:45 pm and ends between 8:30-8:45pm. Sunday night is our bible study called "The Rhythm". This time is for digging deeper into God's Word with Pastor Justin.
Women's Ministry - Our women have a monthly meeting on the last Saturday of every month. There's always food, a speaker, sometimes a craft or a game, but one thing you can always be sure of, there's always laughter and a warm glow of friendship. Come join all the different activities that the women are cooking up. The only thing missing is you!
Men's Ministry - We have an amazing group of men that not only love the Lord with all their heart, but also love to eat (and cook!) breakfast together every month. Check the calendar for exact dates of these Gourmet Breakfasts.
S.N.A.G. - (Seek Nab And Grab)- Our Visitation ministry team is dedicated to making our visitors feel welcome and informed of all that Christian Center has to offer. If you are interested in serving on this vital ministry contact Sarah in the church office.