Pastor Rick Engen
All are welcome!
Our mission is to worship together,
care and pray for one another,
and to be a servant church, in word and action,
as faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
Our invitation to all is to come with us on a journey of joy in service, love in faithfulness, and hope through prayer, firmly rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We work together on our journey to respond to God as the prophet Micah told us to: "What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God". (Micah 6:8) With God's grace we will.
"Come as we are!"
What else can we do? We come as we are before God. We can't pretend to be something we aren't. We're not perfect, we're not better... we're just like our neighbors. We are Christ the Servant Church because we seek to grow spiritually, to serve others, and to find forgiveness and new life "walking humbly" with God. The atmosphere at Christ the Servant is casual a nd comfortable. We come as we are... Please, come as you are.
You are welcome!
Our website is updated each month. See it at for:
*Worship schedule
*Pastor Engen's sermons
*News and Events
*Activities for children and youth
*Service opportunities
*Bible Studies
*Groups and Activities for Men, Women, and Families
*Our labyrinth
Reconciling in Christ
Sunday Morning:
8:15 Worship
9:30 Christian Education for all ages
10:45 Worship
Jesus said, "Let the children come to me!" Children are welcome and encouraged to come to worship! Little ones raise their voices to praise God in their own ways! But an attended nursery is available if you prefer.
About Worship at Christ the Servant - Lots of Variety!
The Lutheran Church has always viewed the public worship service to be an act of the whole company of God's people throughout the ages. Here at Christ the Servant we continue the use of the liturgy that has been used by faithful Christians for centuries, accompanied with organ. But we alternate it with contemporary settings that use guitars, piano, flute and drums. We regularly alternate 6 different worship settings. Our congregation enjoys the variety! Add to that our Adult Choir, Youth Choir, Children's Choir, Chime Choir, and Little Ones Choir, and you have a wonderful worship experience. We would love to have yo u worship with us.