I most recently was visiting this church.It was on Sunday the 15th of Jan.2012. I was sitting very close to see this preventable incident.This guy was sitting by him self in the corner.Then this guy walks up to the table with a strong middle Eastern acent. He says to the guy sitting down;"" Hey brother man can I sit here""? The guy sitting down,indicates ,""Yeh go a head."" Then the middle Eastern guy stands behind the guy and slaps him in the back.The staff at this church did nothing or said nothing to the middle Eastern guy.He then informed the guy sitting down he was from Turkey.This would explain the very strong middle Eastern acent.About 96 percent of the country is Muslim.So why is a Muslim with history of violence in a Christian church? To slap some one in the back.Was he wearing his suicide out fit?We know how these Muslims are,they hate the West .Also call us infidels.Some needs this guy's identification card ,with his name ,and car plate.This is assualt ,penal code:240.The last time I checked.