I am a very discerning shopper, and could not be happier with my experience at Choice Luggage. While they did not have the largest selection of the particular type of bag I was looking for (black tri-fold garment bag), they have TONS of other bags. Besides the huge selection of manufacturers and bags, the service was great. Over the past two weeks, I have been to nearly every department store within reasonable distance, and none had better prices, more bags, nor the helpful and professional service. The people at Choice Luggage really want you to walk out of their door with the bag that is right for YOU. I went in thinking I knew exactly what I wanted, but the guy helping me introduced me to the Briggs & Riley brand, and made sure I was well informed about the products I was looking to buy. At first I thought he was just pushing the more expensive bag, but then, since I had driven a ways to the store and there had been a miscommunication on the phone about having a particular item in stock, he gave me a huge discount on the better item!
Pros: Selection, knowledgeable and professional staff, not expensive like other non-department stores
Cons: Tough to get a feel for what they have over the phone