Dr. Greenwood has a special gift - he is the Mozart of Chiropractic. About 28 years ago, my husband herniated a disc in his lower back. His pain was excruciating and our chiropractor could get no movement or improvement, so he advised surgery. A cat scan had showed a herniated disc and some fragment that had broken loose as well.
Then my brother told me about a friend of his who had recently received his degree as a chiropractic physician, and had moved to Utah. We lived in a small town in another state an hour and fifteen minutes away from where we lived. We decided to give him a try - Dr. Hunter Greenwood.
What an amazing individual. He was able to get movement and relief with his manipulations. After awhile, we were able to see marked improvement. Dr. Greenwood gave his all, and tried many things to be able to get that disc to move. After about 9 months (if I remember correctly) Dr. Greenwood had my husband get an MRI to make sure the fragments had not calcified. The MRI showed that the herniation was gone and the fragments had dissolved - scientific evidence that chiropractic healed his herniated disc. But not just any old chiropractor - Dr. Hunter Greenwood, who gave his heart and soul to heal my husband.
As well, I had a four year old daughter at the time who had developed hearing problems. The medical doctor said that she needed tubes in her ears. I was just about to make an appointment for that when, while we were at Dr. Greenwood's for my husband, I talked to him about it. He reached had her open her mouth and he showed me her Eustachian tube and then manipulated it and drained her ear! A short time later, my daughter was able to hear again. As she said in her little 4-year old way, "I don't hear the ocean anymore."
If you want a doctor who really cares, is brilliant, and extremely well schooled, then Dr. Greenwood is your man.
Too bad he doesn't live as close as he did anymore. We definitely miss him. No other chiropractor has come close to his abilities.
Thank you, Dr. Hunter Greenwood