Offering exceptional chiropractic & wellness services for you and your family
Welcome to Chiropractic Wellness Connection, located in Canton, Illinois. At Chiropractic Wellness Connection, Dr. Jennifer Daniel-Price and staff take pride in offering the latest and greatest services in wellness care. Some of our services include:*Chiropractic Care for the entire family including pediatrics*Acupuncture*Massage*Nutrition*Exercise Classes*8 Weeks to Wellness *Various Health Products and Workshops 8 Weeks to Wellness is a comprehensive wellness program that will optimize how you think, how you eat, how you exercise and how you feel. 8 weeks really can change your life 8 Weeks to Wellness is more than just a weight loss program. This doctor supervised program incorporates many facets and stresses in your life. Our program tests and monitors the following:*Neurological, Postural and Spinal Exam*Total Health and Fitness Assessment*Complete Blood Workup*Body Composition Analysis*Wellness Education*Nutritional Consulting*Meal Planning*Chiropractic Adjustments*Full Body Massage*Meditation Instruction*Ongoing support Patients in our office get results with 8 weeks to wellness. Give us a call to start your transformation today.At Chiropractic Wellness Connection we also offer a wide variety of health products including:*Shoe Supports*Pillows*Lumber Chair Supports*Braces*Vitamins*Medical Food and Shakes*Ice Packs*Kids and Adult Homeopathic Remedies*Biofreeze and moreIf you are looking for the latest and greatest services in wellness care, give us a call today!. 8 weeks to wellness|Biofreeze|Braces|Cardio|Deep Tissue Massage|Hot Stone Massage|Ice Packs|Individualized workouts|Kids and Adult Homeopathic Remedies|Long term wellness care|Lumbar Chair Supports|Medical Food|Medical Shakes|Myofascial Release|Pediatrics|Pillows|Shoe Supports|Short term relief care|Strength Training|Swedish Massage|Vitamins