Pain is not something you have to just live with!
Chiropractic Health & Fitness serves Wheeling, Illinois and much of the surrounding area. We provide professional, comprehensive diagnosis and chiropractic care for a wide array of physical ailments, from sprains and strains to the misalignment of joints. Our full range of treatments includes:â?¢ Hot, moist heatâ?¢ Iceâ?¢ Ultrasoundâ?¢ Electrotherapyâ?¢ Manual traction and manipulationIn addition to chiropractic care, our highly-skilled staff administers neuromuscular massage therapy with a specialization in golf-related injuries. Our holistic approach to chiropractic medicine enables our doctors to offer comprehensive rehabilitation services and treatments. Pain is not something you have to just live with!Call Chiropractic Health & Fitness today to schedule an appointment! Acupressure|Alternative Medicine|Electro Therapy|Hot Moist heat|Ice|Joints|Knees|Legs|Manipulation|Manual traction|Massage Therapy|Pain Management|Refer X-rays to North West Emergency in Buffalo Grove|Ultrasound