I have been a student practicing at this Chinese Shaolin Center since 1992. We have never closed, but we have moved our location when the landlord raised the lease. Our Shaolin Art was passed to us by the last Shaolin Grandmaster of the Fukien Temple in Fukien Provience. We have the Shaolin Ch'aun Shu Arts from all seven Shaolin Temples. Our current Grandmaster brought these arts to the US in 1968. I have been learning at this CSC for 18 years and there is more stuff to learn over the rest of my life. You can learn to master all of these arts, if you have the patience and dedication. Hard training over a protracted period of time is the key to success. Patience is the most important quality that must be developed by the student who engages in shaolin, for without this virture little of lasting value can be achieved from training. Come talk with me at the Norcross CSC. I will answer all of your questions. The results of my dedication and self -control have been wonderful. You can change your body, your mind and your health. The human body replaces itself every seven years and you will completely change youself in that period of time with us.