On January 16, 2007 Our family adopted a puppy named Harley that was eight weeks old, we had three days to have Harley checked out by a Vet and out of a list of six Dr. Vaughan was the first and only. I called and set up an appointment for Harley to have an exam as well as shots needed. On January 23rd Harley was vomiting and not holding down food or water, I called Dr.Vaughan to make an appointment, he told us to bring her right in! That happened twice that day! On January 25th (my son's 7th B-day!) We had to bring her in for IV treatment and she had to stay at the clinic and a full day supervision. The full staff was included in this case each one was watching over her to help her get over her sickness. At this point we had run several test, as well as an x-ray to see if there was a visual issue. Harley then had to be brought to the Cabarrus Emergency Vet for 24 hour care and IV fluids. Dr Vaughan went down to the ER to check on her several times as well as called us to keep us infor