Chimark Constable Services provides a wide range of Judicial Services to accommodate your needs. Supported by highly motivated and experienced Investigators who are able to work creatively and diligently to achieve the goals of our clients."
Chimark Constable Services can assist in gathering information to obtain Garnishments and locate Assets, Bank Accounts and other physical property. With a Court Order we can retrive property such as Automobiles, Rented Equipment, Child support enforcement, asset searches, foreclosure, motor vehicle searches, All Summons and Complaints, Supplementary Process, Small Claims Notices, Notices to Show Cause, Writs and Trustee Process, Real Estate Attachment, Land Court Proces, Executions, All Process under M.G.L. Chap. 239, Summary Process, Ejectment, Probate Court Process, and Domestic Relations, Subpoenas: Criminal, Civil, Federal.