After nearly 30 years since the onset of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Dr. Chia was the first doctor to correctly diagnose my condition. He knows that the bogus CFS mystery disease is not the correct diagnosis and that the WHO ICD G.93.3 definition since 1969 has been correct all along\r
Dr. Chia is the only doctor that I know of, in the area, that is also actively researching ME, and qualified to treat his patients. He understands, and is most up-to-date with, this viral/neurological/cardiovascular disease and treats you with respect for your condition and provides appropriate treatment.\r
I agree with Andrea Duke who previously commented here. Dr. Chia sits down and talks to his patients so\r
they understand what is happening to them, all the while gaining more insight.
Pros: Qualified to treat infectious diseases and ME
Cons: Many patients need him.