These people have the chief housing inspector in the pocket- I was living in a home I had rented that was managed thru Cherry- after more than a years worth of complaints from me about faulty electricity,heating,disenegrating outside walls, etc and doing some investigating and use of a private inspector, I told them repairs had to be made or I would report them...they immediately responded with a letter saying `GET OUT`....mind you I am a disabled man and had 2 elderly dogs and didn`t realize that any complaint I made to the housing inspector would never make it any further than his trash can due to his paid allegiance to Cherrys` founder, Mr. Cherry, whom he is personal friends with.....they claimed in court thatb they didn`t know I was handicapped even though my disability lawyer had spoken to them at length...also claimed they didn`t know the property had numerous code violations, had never been approved for a permit to build/convert etc etc...needless to say, I lost in court due to their `connection$` and lost everything I owned and eventually had to give away my two beloved dogs due to becoming homeless...these people are as corrupt as the night is long !