This library is one of the best in the area. Not only is it bigger than most, but it has a lot going on in it. There are constantly classes & shows for kids & adults alike to enjoy.
They have interesting displays from antique collections in the area usually. Right now they are featuring an interesting collection of antique churns & butter molds.
They have recently expanded the library to include a large genealogy room with microfilm, copy machines & all the goodies including lots of local history books for families to search in. The librarians are friendly & helpful in learning how to use these tools.
The library of course has the usual fiction/non-fiction & reference sections. It has a very large children's area. It also has a decent sized audio/video collection to check out. There are several computers for patrons use in surfing the internet as well. The tables for study & reading are plentiful.
The library itself is all computerized, as is the card catalog search system. The librarians are ready to help in any way they can including showing you around the library and ordering books from other libraries when they don't have it on shelf.
When you sign up for a library card, they give you a card & a key chain card with a bar code for scanning. You can call on the phone to renew your library books & just read off the code to them for your convenience. There are also restrooms and ample parking all around the building. They have a policy of no cellphone usage in the library so as to keep a quiet environment for everyone's benefit. This is just an all around great place to be!