We have arranged our hours to make it as convenient as possible for you to bring your pet in for routine and preventative check-ups. We try to schedule appointments so you have plenty of time for examinations and questions. Sometimes emergencies can put us a little behind, and we hope you'll understand. If you are not able to keep an appointment, please call us so we may reschedule.
Services Provided:
Cheney Veterinary Clinic is a full service hospital, covering surgery, diagnostics, and medicine. Our diagnostic services include radiographic imaging, endoscopy, electrocardiograms, and complete in house blood chemistry and hematology lab testing. Over 25 years of surgical experience is offered both in soft tissue and in orthopedics. Our orthopedic experience includes all forms of internal and external fixation systems.
Day care:
Day care is also an option for those needing a short term solution to a special problem.
A full complement of prescription pet foods are available, and special orders are welcome.
We have an excellent referral network to all the major specialities, both within the greater Spokane area and at nearby Washington State University Veterinary School.