It all started with a 16 y/o son who wet the bed. At sixteen! We had been to every MD in town and still he was wetting the bed. A friend recommended Dr. Wynn because her son was helped through chiropractic adjustments. Oh, my. It worked. Then a family member had high blood pressure. Until he started to see Dr. Wynn for high blood pressure. Got off the meds. I have been helped immensely with my "female" issues through acupuncture. My other children all off their headache medicines because of chiro/acupuncture. It has saved us thousands of dollars by getting rid of the meds and seeing a chiro, now just once a week. Lifesaver. I highly recommend this clinic. They aren't trying to "sell" you anything. And they don't care if you don't believe in them, because I heard the girl on the radio say that you don't have to believe in them, they aren't a religion, but a science.