If you use this company, do not get into cab # 5270.
A friend and I decided to split a cab home and pick up her boyfriend along the way (literally on the way). We asked the cab to stop for not even two minutes so he could get in the cab and continue to our destinations. We all work in the service industry so we expressed to the cab driver we would tip him graciously for waiting. He told us that it was a busy night and time is money so he simply didn't have time to wait the two minutes to pick someone up. We were completely stunned, asked him how he wasn't making money when he was going to make three different stops, the meter was still running, and he would get tipped much more than average. When he informed us it still wasn't worth his time, I told him that for being so rude I could very well report him to 311. Verbatim he replied "" Excuse me? Get the f#ck out of my cab you stupid f@cking bitch. It's $8 get the f*ck out now.""
I did exactly as I said and promptly called and reported him to 311 as this is the absolute worst I have EVER been treated. If I could rate this company lower than 1 star, I absolutely would. Avoid this company, ESPECIALLY this cab, at all cost. You're better off walking