Established since year 1995
Check Law Recovery Systems Inc. was established as an Arkansas Corporation in 1995 to service the collection needs of Arkansas business owners. Our mission is to give excellent service by collecting hot checks at an unsurpassed collection rate; collecting in house before resorting to criminal prosecution on those individuals who for one reason or another had written funds insufficient or on a closed account. We found this type of servicing is a positive effort for our merchants as well as their customers. Merchants know in today's highly competitive market place they can't offend any of their customers. No intimidation is implied by Check Law to their customers therefore their returning to the merchant to do business is a much greater possibility. Furthermore, collections are accomplished at NO FEE to the merchant – the checkwriter pays the charges. If we don't collect your monies, we don't get paid. Our collection staff services our clients – thereby freeing up the merchant's time and energy to concentrate on “the business of the day.”. Verification,Acceptance,Purchases