This was, at one time, a very nice neighborhood bank before Chase bought Washington Mutual and moved the teller tables back behind plexiglass and made the guys wear company ties with the Chase octagon on them. I wouldn't work for them, and I'd be disheartened if I did. Chase simply does not know how to do business in California with Californians and shows no signs of learning. Their Board of Directors spending their time figurring out new creative ways to screw their customers out of their nickels and dimes doesn't help either. Here's an example: with the new regime: deposits and debits are applied in ascending order at around midnight every day. That is, they first take out the largest payment that came through that day, then work down to the smallest, adding on any deposits after that. If you are overdrawn they apply a hefty overdraft fee for each withdrawal from the point of the first one that ran over. So my daughter ran over one day and ended up paying $35 for a drink for Starbucks. That was two bucks for the drink and a $33 fee to the bank. She ended up with six overdraft fees that day, although she in fact ran a total of $7 over her account balance and caught and corrected this a few days afterward. I ended up transferring several hundred dollars from my account to stop the hemorrhaging. If you call and object, you get someone in Bangalore who explains why the bank pursues eccentric accounting practices like this and how it comes out better ffor everyone. And in Bangalore people apparently spend more time apologizing for your having to ask a question than they spend trying to answer it.
Pros: A positive institutional memory among the older staff
Cons: Morgan Chase Corp