Whether you already have five credit cards or none, you may want to look into getting the Chase credit card – especially if you are the type who manages your money well and pays off your balance each month. We used to be the kind of family that never used our credit cards, but now we use our Chase card for ALL our purchases. Why? You may ask…well, they give us money to use the card! We enrolled in their rewards program that pays you 1% back on all purchases and 5% back on gas, grocery and drugstore purchases. For us, this has turned into a check from them for about $50 every couple of months. Not only do we have the convenience of paying by credit card, but they pay us to do it.
I would not recommend this plan for anyone with credit problems, as it do not receive cash back on interest and will quickly lose any savings that way. But, if you are a good money manager – this card will literally work for you!