the beer selection is white trash approved, the staff are a bunch of skanks, the owner talks about everyone, then goes and does a shot with the very person he just slammed. The food is deep fried in oil that's never changed, if you saw the kitchen area you'd just as soon eat out of the toilet and cut to the chase. The bikers are as fake as they come, fat white guys with long hair and a beard or a shaved head and a goatee, you know everything a loser fat punk needs to appear tough, then gets up on stage and sings air supply. FAKE FAKE FAKE, the patron's, the staff. Despite the fact that EVERY WEEKEND some ""regular"" manages to take a dump in the mop bucket that they keep in the mens bathroom they just dump the feces out and mop the floors with the tainted bucket (pun intended). dirty cops, busted bartenders, weak fake bikers.....what's not to love.....
Pros: there are none
Cons: to many to list