You know, aside from the wide-range of hats they carry, I just love the Charleston Hat Man. You see him painted on the side of a building on the corner of Broad Street and maybe State or Church Street? At any rate, he's the little fellow made out of hats and he's so cute and clever. I've decided that he'll be my next tattoo, if and when I get one (now that I don't live in SC, I can actually GET tattoos!)
Well, I suppose I should review the Charleston Hat Man. It's a decent store with a very nice variety of hats. I don't think they carry baseball hats, though. They tend to cater to the "SOB" crowd (That's South of Broad for you non-Charlestonians). Lots of fancy hats that make you ask yourself "do people really wear these kinds of hats now-a-days" and then you respond to yourself "Well obviously they do otherwise the Hat Man wouldn't be selling them"
They even have Bowler hats in case you fancy feeling like a right English gentleman and saying "pip pip" to everyone you meet.
Even if you're not in the mood for a hat, or if you're like me and have a head that doesn't wear hats very well (they make me look like a pumpkin), go here anyway. It's a fun store, and get your picture taken next to the Hat Man. You'll be glad you did.