My experience at Charleston Denture Center was awful. After paying $1000 to have my teeth removed and a top plate made I discovered Dr. Brown left a tooth in my mouth. I called this to his attention. He asked me to come back to him and he would take care of it. I took ANOTHER day off work to travel 60 miles to once again have a tooth removed,that had already been paid for. I got to the clinic to find out that Dr. Brown,who asked me to come back,wasn't even there. The staff asked me to come again another day. I asked if anyone there could pull the tooth. Dr. Kilgore refused to pull the tooth. The existing tooth has caused much pain and discomfort. My dentures will not fit properly until it is removed. The staff explained to me that if I paid another $200 they could help me. This being after they charged me for a tooth they didnt even pull. I suggest you think long and hard before you visit this clinic. Not only do they have shabby work but they won't even stand by their shabby work. I give them a 1 star rating because I'm not given the option of NO stars.