WARNING about the Charles River Clinical Services Northwest in Tacoma: DO NOT participate in the clinical studies there! \r
In the last two years I completed successfully four studies at that research center. When the last study officially ended I tried respectfully to contact by the telephone a female staff-member of that center to ask her gently if she was interested in a personal relationship with me. I liked her immensely; she was exceptionally friendly to me. I enjoyed numerous, congenial interactions with her (regretfully, she proved later to be a very mean-spirited woman). \r
In response to my attempts (three in total) the center's worker – an affirmative action, senior supervisor – treated me with a shocking hostility – like a rape-suspect. She punished me with a month and a half suspension in study-participation illegibility. I thought I did not deserve that punishment so in order to undo it I contacted the Alpha Independent Review Board – an ethics committee – for intercession. I requested that they ask Charles River Northwest to lift the suspension and that they bring up the hostile treatment of mine to the attention of the center's management. To my disbelief, instead of fulfilling my wishes the supervisor barred me from the studies permanently! That's right – the center's management retaliated against me in such a blatantly unethical way for my enlisting help of an ETHICS organization! \r
I was enraged and indignant by the supervisor implying that the safety of the female staff member I wanted to make contact to was threatened by me. It was totally an unjustifiable, insulting, slanderous, preposterous lie. Motivated by spreading of that lie by the supervisor I sent emails to three representatives of the center asking them to rescind the supervisor permanent bar. I described chronologically all events preceding my attempts to contact the female staff-member. \r
I didn’t receive reply from them. Out of frustration of not getting feedback from the management I sent an email to the coordinator of the study involved asking her to recommend me a proper individual in the management of the center, who I could address my appeal to. She replied that she forwarded my “concerns” to proper individuals and that I would soon receive reply from them. \r
I did finally receive the reply – from the legal department of the Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.! \r
The reply was: Cease and desist order. They asked me to not communicate anymore in any way with the Charles River Clinical Services Northwest staff, under the threat of filing a restraining order against me with the Tacoma police!!! \r
That’s my chronicle of my involvement with the Charles River Clinical Services Northwest in Tacoma. \r
As you could make it out from my account, what happened to me was a malicious, brutal, vicious, regardless treatment by the Charles River Northwest management in response to my innocent attempts to make a contact with a staff-member for personal reasons. \r
By having reacted to me in such a thoroughly-inexcusable – bordering-on-psychopathic – way, the center's management demonstrated a complete disregard for the most fundamental humanity of the clinical-study participant. Their actions against me were extremely unethical; they made a mockery of their center’s stated, humanistic objectives. \r
Do not participate in the clinical studies at that center! \r
Maciej Marczak\r
May 3, 2010 \r
If you have any questions please leave me a message at: (206) 666-6817.\r
You can also send me a message through my Facebook account, which is there under the name of Maciej Msm. \r