It has been 12 years since I first met Dr. Chapel, my son was 4 mos. old and didn't seem sick at all. While nursing him I noticed a tiny red spot under his chin (on Mon.) I thought, hmm.. looks like a mosquito bite no biggy, he wasn't bothered by it. Each day it got a tad bigger. Thursday while feeding him it burst and drained some pus & fluid, I thought oh, it looks like a boil cleaned it up and put some neosporin on it. After a little while I started thinking...maybe I should call the pediatrician just in case, can't hurt. I called and described the events and they asked ""where is it located?"" ""Under his chin"", I said. ""Bring him in IMMEADIATELY!"", they told me when an infant has an infection above it's shoulders it becomes critical as the infection could spread to their brain in a very short time-less than a day. I took him in and they gave him a strong shot of antibiotic and a prescription. Long story short, the next day we ended up in ER at St Josephs. I had never heard of the Dr. till we got into a room and the nurse said Dr. Chapel will be here in a little bit. He came and was very concerned, Justin (baby) was not in any distress seemingly, however Chapel wasted no time arranging for a small area where he could examine and treat my baby boy. He could not give him any anesthetic and I had to hold the boy STILL...OMG! Dr. Chapel lanced the abscess, wincing himself. He said, ""I have a boy just about the same age"" his empathy was palpable...He said he couldn't believe how deep a cavity it had formed as he told me to hold on tight while he packed it full of medicated material. Justin had been so easygoing up till then, he was screaming like I'd never heard and Dr. Chapel worked as quick as possible. During that STRESSFUL procedure the Dr. made eye contact with me signaling, hang on we're almost done, the whole time my little neener is in agony. It was so frightening, but Chapel was superb. You couldn't ask for a better Dr., cause they don't come any better than Chapel! He really was reassuring. A couple years later I needed him for my mom....- M. Ollson