I consigned a large quantity of clothing at this store. Initially, things went well, but then the owner did some extremely unprofessional things. At the end of my consignment period, she asked if she could keep my clothing and re-consign it and keep the profits for herself. I was shocked by this as I had already made her quite a bit of money with the clothing I consigned. Then, I brought another group of clothes in and never received a check. The owner indicated it was my responsibility to check in on things and they just pocket checks that are not picked up after 6 months. Ridiculous! I have worked with many consignment stores and never had this problem. They are always more than willing to contact me to let me know I had a check. Apparently, the Classy Rags owner says this stipulation is in the contract, but regardless, it was never explained to me. And I would think since I made this woman several thousand dollars, she could have at least picked up the phone. DO NOT USE THIS STORE!