MR. Escamila had me confiadent that i was going to come out of my case with what ! was expecting. The time leading up to the court date I did all I could to provide more then enough information to help him defend me in my case. I did not get any updates to at least klnow that he was progressing. I had to call and ask myself, and most time I wouldnt get an answer. Before I go anyfurth let me be clear that I was honost and up front the whole time. I was expecting some judical action how ever not what I got. On my court date I showed up early dressed in a niice proessional 3 pice suit. He arrived at the last min. When it came to my case I could see him talking to the prosecuter. Now this is my first time ever in a situatiuon where I needed a Lawyer to defend me. When he spoke to he told me what the prosicuter offered and and said well here you go sign here. I was nervous and just wanted to move on in my life so Its my fault for signing. However its still no excuese for him not fighting hard and putting forth maximunm effort to lower the charge or anyother thing. MY family and Friends all say that he got one over on me. I beilve them becuaase some of them know more about this stuff then I do and I do feel that I got robbed! I strongly recomend you find another lawyer!