Why is orthodontics important?
The most ?visual? benefit to orthodontics is, of course, an attractive smile. But did you know that orthodontics can also improve self-image, alleviate and prevent physical health problems? Left untreated, orthodontic problems can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, bone destruction, chewing and digestive difficulties, speech impairments, tooth loss and other dental injuries.
Will braces hurt?
Most orthodontic patients experience some discomfort the first week after their braces are put on, and right after the braces are tightened. Aspirin, non-aspirin pain reliever or ibuprofen can be used to ease the discomfort.
At what age should orthodontic treatment occur?
Orthodontic treatment can be started at any age, however, many orthodontic problems are easier to correct if detected at an early age before jaw growth has slowed. Early treatment may mean that a patient can avoid surgery and more serious complications later. An initial orthodontic evaluation should be done by age seven
Will I still be able to play sports?
Yes. If the patient is active, we recommend that a mouth guard be worn when participating in any sporting activity. Mouth guards are inexpensive, comfortable, and come in a variety of exciting colors and patterns.
Will braces interfere with playing musical instruments?
No. However, it?s not uncommon to find that there may be an initial period of adjustment.
Member, American Association of Orthodontics
Member, American Dental Association
Member, Great Lakes Society of Orthodontists
Member, Ohio Orthdontic Association,
Member, Greater Toledo Orthodontic Study Group
Member, Ohio Dental Association
Member, Toledo Dental Society
Previous Board Member, Toledo Dental Society. Bite correction. Jaw alignment. Preventive treatment. Smile improvement. Accelerated Orthodontics. Dr. Cercek loves a challenge! You and your child will love the results!.
Whether or not an orthodontic problem is detected,a child should visit an orthodontist for a check up no later than age seven. Most likely,treatment will not necessarily begin at this age,however,an examination is important to ensure maximum dental health for your child.
If your child has a problem that requires attention,Dr. Cercek may recommend interceptive treatment. Early intervention,which takes advantage of facial growth and tooth eruption,that can decrease the severity of a problem later on. And,it frequently makes the completion of treatment at a later age less time consuming and less expensive.
* Interceptive treatment may be beneficial in:
Avoiding fracture or loss of protruding teeth.
* Assuring that the jaws and teeth meet properly during chewing and swallowing.
* Elimina ting adverse habits such as thumb/finger sucking,tongue thrusting and lip habits.
* Correcting early alignment of teeth.
* Enhancing proper speech development.
* Correcting crossbite,tooth grinding,tooth interference and lower jaw displacement.
* If necessary,coordinating the extraction of primary (baby) teeth with the family dentist and allowing for proper eruption of the permanent teeth.
* Improving self-image
We accept most forms of dental insurance and we?ll handle the claim filing for you. We would be happy to supply you with pre-estimate costs of any orthodontic work you or your child may need. If needed,we?ll send any predetermination to your insurance company on your behalf.
All deductibles and co-pay amounts are due at the time of service,unless prior arrangements have been made.