I have used Central Texas when I park in the Warehouse district with mixed results. Most of negatives revolve around typical downtown stuff, such as a long wait from time to time. Still, I over look this stuff as it happens, but I was kinda upset the last time I used them and ate at the Belmont on a Sunday night. I know it's a slow night but when I left the attendent gave me my keys and showed me my car, parked across the street. Now normally I would not have minded it, but it was my girlfriends birthday and insted of getting the door and doing the basic service in this case I had to rush across west 6th with my girl in heals. This part upset me also because he went back to doing nothing afterwards which by deduction shows he was not busy and there was no reason not to pull it back in front of the restraurant and get her door. Still, if you go downtown on the weekend I would recommend them because they have insurance and none of those self park garages don't.