While I fell in love with the way this place looks, the way it is managed is less than I'd hoped.
When we moved in there were tons of ant hills in front of our apartment and we discovered we had a problem inside with ants as well (which doesn't really make sense with the building being 2 years old!). I ended up taking care of them myself and have not had any problems since. You'd think if they'd been so easy to get rid of, they'd have taken care of them themselves. They say they have a guy that come around every friday and sprays but I believe that's a bunch of hogwash as I've never seen any bug sprayers. We also have some bad experiences with spiders inside and on our porch.
They won't help you out when you need them to. Our neighbors have been obnoxiously loud all day. They won't do anything about it
Furthermore, my neighbors have recently acquired plants on their porch, which I suspect is the source of a strong stench outside my front door. Which I'm sure they will do nothing about.
Finally, and what should have tipped me off in the first place, is these apartment were obviously put together hastily and without care. When we came to visit, we got to see a model that was beautiful. Then we moved into our place and felt betrayed. There were what appear to be boot marks on our concrete floors and a huge crack going down the center. There was paint splatters all over the concrete floor which I could not get off. There was a huge white paint spot on dark brown cupboards (thankfully I was able to get that one off). The cupboards themselves are uneven. There's just so many signs that The construction was done with more thought about getting it done than getting it done right.
So, here's to you Watermark. I would have kept my mouth shut about everything if you'd have done the simple task of keeping my living serene. I could put up with a lot but when you make me live with noise pollution, I will shout to everyone within hearing distance to stay away.
Pros: It's pretty woopity doo
Cons: Everything else