Central Jewelry and Loan Providers Knowledge and Experienced Staff - We Buy Sell and Lend On All Types of Value Including - TV's, DVD Players, Stereos, Computers, Electronics - Jewelry, Watches, Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets, Ear Rings, Broches, EVEN BROKEN JEWELRY - Tools, Drills, Saws, Grinders, Sanders, Cordless & Electric - Hand Tools - Tools Belts & Chests - Instruments, Guitars Electric & Acoustic, Horns, Drums, Violins - Pressure Washers, Bicycles, DVD & VHS Movies, CD's, Tuners, Amps & More - Come Down or Call Central Jewelry and Loan Today & Experience the Best in Collateral Loan Service. Central Casa De Empeno,Central Pawn,Got Cash? We Do Loans,if we don't have what you want. If we don't have what you want,we will find it,most anything of value,new used nobody pays more. We buy items many stores don't,we will find it! Amp's-Cameras-Computers-Diamonds-Drums-Electronics-Gold-Guitars-Gun Transfers-Guns-New & Used-Silver-Sporting Goods-Tools-Video Games-Watches-Buy-Loan-Sell