My mother, of whom I will not mention her name, has worked for the center of hope almost since this organization began several years ago. She was the only paid employee other than the directors, the rest of the personel are all volunteers from local churches. Mother had the title of Office Manager, however, while she only made barely above minimum wage, she was a loyal and dedicated part of the Center of Hope and loved by many. Recently, New directors and assistants have been hired and I guess they felt like they needed to make changes. In my opinion, they searched for ways to get rid of my 72 year old mother. It became a hostile work environment for her, making her cry on many occasions. \r
My mother's sister in law was in an automobile acident over this Memorial Day weekend and died at the scene. When my mother contacted Center of Hope to ask for a replacement so that she could attend the funeral in Tulsa, Ok. she was told that she was fired and that they already had a replacement for her. \r
I encourage you, before you donate money , items, or any volunteer time, that you consider what they have done to my mother and search your heart making sure you want to be involved in a so called religious based organization that treats people like this. I see hipocracy, do you????