Center for Pain Management & Rehabilitation in Peoria, Illinois is a clinic operating under the provisions of the Illinois Medical Corporation Act. We offer our patients only the most complete, effective services to relieve acute to mild pain throughout the body. We utilize state-of-the-art technology and time-honored medical strategies to diagnose and treat your ailments, as well as create personalized plans to manage your pain.
Dr. Yibing Li, MD is an interventional physiatrist. She is board
Certified in both Pain Medicine and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Our services relieve:
• Neck/back/hip pain
• Tendinitis
• Degenerative joint disease
• Shoulder pain
• Numbness and tingling
We also handle nerve pain, auto accident injuries, sciatica, myofascial pain, work injuries, and NCV/EMG testing. If you?re experiencing severe pain, we offer same day appointments.
Also serving patients at the Perkin Hospital. Park Court Medical Bldg.
600 S. 13th street stu E.
Your recovery starts with a commitment to improve yourself. By choosing our center, you?ll be taking the first step to a full recovery.
Call us today for an appointment!. Pain Management