The service is professional and compassionate, I have never heard anything but excellent!\r \r Trish Sullivan LMHC Seeking Solace Counseling Pros: claire cayer
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Tutoring and Learning Services
Comprehensive evaluation, counseling, tutoring and learning support services to children, adolescents, and their families.The Center for Learning and Psychological Services offers comprehensive psychological and learning based services to individual's birth to age 25. Our specialty areas include; psychological and neuropsychological evaluations, behavioral services, diagnostic evaluations, and individual and group counseling, and play based therapy. We also coordinate all learning based services through our center for; tutoring, executive functioning coaching, and learning based support.Our specialties include psychological and neuropsychological evaluations, behavioral services, and counseling with complex, behaviorally involved children and adolescents.Our practice is unique because we provide a comprehensive service delivery model from the point of evaluation to treatment and learning based support. As a result, we are able to develop close and supportive relationships and service families changing needs.Comprehensive Individualized Evaluations:* Psychological* Neuropsychological* Behavioral Evaluations* Diagnostic Services* ADHD EvaluationsIndividual, Group, And Family Counseling:* Behavior Management* Anxiety* Adjustment Issues* Grief and Loss* Parenting Strategies* Improving Memory* Social Skills Training* Anger Management* Managing ADHD* Depression Intervention* Building Self EsteemComprehensive Learning Support Services:* Psycho-Educational Evaluations to Identify Learning Disabilities* Academic Counseling & Goal Setting* Executive Functioning Coaching* Test Taking Skills Development* Learning Disability Support* Organizational and Study Skills* Academic Recommendations to Educators* We Will Accompany You to School Meetings and Assist in Writing Education Plans* SAT Tutoring* TutoringWhat Is A Neuropsychological Evaluation?A neuropsychological evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of cognitive functions (learning and memory or problem-solving). Standard testing procedures are used to assess the abilities that relate to learning and use knowledge skills.These Areas Include:* Intelligence and Cognitive Skills* Academic Achievement* Learning, Memory, Concentration* Language Skills* Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking* Perceptual, Spatial & Motor Skills