It used to be an ""American"" blues bar where respectable people came in and listened to blues. Now it is owned by Albanians and it is basically an outlet for the Albanians living in the surrounding area. After the bar changed hands I have watched too many fights break out in the bar. In some of the fights people were gravely injured. Albanians are probably one of the most hot headed, uncivilized, mentally unstable and vicious people one might ever meet. If the post sounds like a diatribe towards a particular group of people, I apologize as it is not. It sounds like so because nothing good can be said of these people except that they probably aren't that dangerous when sober. But in an alcohol infused environment it is best to not be in that kind of bar scene if you are somebody who would want to stay away from any form of violence. Thanks.
Pros: None if you are not a gang banger
Cons: Basically, its very existence