I don't know where to start. My husband and I are from Hawaii, but decided to have our wedding in Las Vegas. We had about 120 people flying & driving in from all over the country. We opted for a shuttle to get our guests to and from the ceremony/reception considering it was about 30 minutes from the strip. There were two buses. The bus driver on the first bus got off at the wrong exit and clearly didn't know where he was going. Yet, according to Stacie Lu, the VP of Sales and Operations, he was one her most experienced drivers. Prior to departing the hotel to the ceremony, a friend of mine placed a bucket and a sign labeled ""donations"" at the front of the bus. My husband and I spent days emailing and texting people that there would be a bucket on the bus for donations to help pay for the shuttles. I would say about 95% of our guests knew what the bucket was for. I accept that it was poor planing on my part to a) not be more specific with the label for donations, and b) not tell the bus driver that the bucket WAS NOT for him. After the reception, Bus 1 left for the hotel before Bus 2, which is the one we were on. We had the busses until 11:15pm. We pulled into out hotel at roughly 10:40pm, just as Bus 1 was leaving. Before exiting Bus 2, I asked our bus driver where the bucket was, since there was supposed to be one on each bus. He said that there was just one on the first bus. He was standing right in front of me when I told me husband that we need to get the bucket of money. I figured someone from Bus 1 would have grabbed it, but no one did. Later that night, my brother told me that he put $100 in the bucket. As the night went on, more people told me they put anywhere between $5-20 in the bucket. The next morning, my cousin spoke with the receptionist, Linda, about the bucket of money. Turns out, the bus driver said there was only $35 in the bucket. As the days went on, his story changed from $35 to $89 to $71. My husband and I flew back to Hawaii the next day and have been in contact with several people form the company. We were given the run around about the situation and poorly compensated. Unfortunately, one of the members of my family got sick on the bus and vomited. She told me that the bathroom on the bus was locked and the bus driver would not pull over to open it. It was stated in our contract that we would be charged $500 for vomit or urine in the bus. After numerous phone calls they charged us $269 for the mess. To me, it's not about the money. It's the principle. Linda, receptionist, was very rude to me. She would talk over me and not let me get a word in. She would not give me the name or number of her supervisor. Stacy Lu accused my family and friends of taking the money and got very heated towards me. Conner, the sales manager, who sided with me during our phone conversation, never called me back when he aid he would and when I called back 2 days later, I was told he was on vacation. This business is unethical and they have dishonest and incompetent employees. I would NOT give them your time or your money. Find another shuttle service.