I have visited this location for years and have seen about enough when it comes to how the manager treats his customers & staff, he is very RUDE,UNPROFESSIONAL & SARCASTIC.. Waitresses are very sweet and try very hard to please the manager at this location, but seem fearful of loosing their jobs if you mention to them about reporting his temper & behavior. I have NOT found away to report this to the owner- if you ask for the owner's phone number you will be given the manager's phone number, by the way his name is Adam. So you can't get anywhere with trying to report his behavior. I can say that the food is awesome and it's a nice place to eat as long as the manager is not in the building. I will no longer eat at this location with my family or work colleges due to his behavior. I hope the owners read this & fix the problem before this place has to close the doors due to no business.