My nearly 5 month old had SEVERE acid reflux pretty much from the day she was born. Her pediatrician couldn't help after prescribing 3 different medications so we moved onto a specialist who prescribed another 3 stronger medications. Spit-up wasn't the issue, it was the intense crying (some call it colic, but doctors are finding that more than 50% of babies actually have acid reflux and not a gas issue like they had initially thought). My baby girl spent the first nearly 4 months of her life crying every night from 7pm to midnight. She started to refuse to eat and wasn't gaining weight. I was exhausted, depressed and desperate to help my poor baby girl. At this point the doctors told me that I would just have to wait until she grew out of it, which would be around 6 to 8 months. A friend of mine suggested that I see Dr. Jeff Swanson because she knew he had treated infants for this condition before. I thought it was crazy that a back adjustment could help an acid issue, especially when 6 strong medications couldn't but it made a little bit of sense that something natural could help instead of medicines with side effects. Dr. Jeff took the time to explain to me about how infants in the womb, and the birthing process can cause the babies backs to become unaligned and that because of where the nerves sit on the spine, the nerves keep firing and sending signals to the brain to create more acid. He spent plenty of time answering my questions. After I felt comfortable, he gently adjusted my baby and thought it would take several adjustments before we saw results. Well, that night my little girl was finally a calm, relaxed, happy baby. She has gone back once a week and we haven't had any more nights where she screamed in pain. She is gaining weight steadily and now is such a joy to be around. I cannot stress enough how thankful I am for Dr. Jeff. He changed our lives and I would recommend him and wonderful, caring staff to anyone!
Pros: everything
Cons: I didn't find him sooner