Are you getting your money's worth when you mail? We're direct mail experts. We have the experience and equipment to get your mail out on time - every time - at the cheapest cost.You certainly have more to do than figure out the many mailing regulations and requirements, so let us take care of the details. We understand all those small-print US Postal forms - and we know how to translate that knowledge into getting you the lowest possible postage.Once you've used Cedar Creek, you'll never go back to doing it yourself. We streamline your mailings - tell us what you want, who to mail to, when you want it delivered and you can take it off your to do list. Need it done yesterday? We can handle those jobs too!Our services are tailored for businesses, non-profit organizations, government agencies and political campaigns.Put your message in the mailbox and on the web. Websites mesh very effectively with a direct mail effort. While you may be limited by space in what you can say on a postcard, your website can have as much information as you need. Include a prominent reference to your website on your mailpiece and you have a marketing effort that immediately doubles its effectiveness. Stop delaying and get your website up and running today. We'll design and host your website for as little as $199/year. Call us!