I saw Dr. Shah at this office for one year until this past december when I developed a reaction to the serum that a brand new nurse injected into me. I have been seeing an allergist for 3 years now and it has never happened to me before. After having 2 injections of epinephrine, taking 10 pills of Prednisone, and being on a inhalant machine and finally being able to breath from the intense allergic reaction, the dr. told me that there is no possible way for the nurse to have made a mistake and that it was my body reacting in a strange way. He doesnt know that I am a medical student and I have studied immunology and I know that it is very possible that she could have messed up, from the fact that the nurse could have retrieved another patient's serum, injected a greater dose of the serum than normal, or injected it into an artery causing the serum to enter my bloodstream at a high concentration all at once, whereas it is supposed to be injected subcutaneously (in the fatty tissue). I have never heard an apology from the doctor and it seems as though he tried to deny any kind of fault almost seeming like he is avoiding a law suit. I will never go back.