I have never seen hustle and service like I did today at Caulkins Conoco.
One of our tires picked up a nail or something and the console began reporting 29psi, 28psi, 27psi, etc. This is not a good thing.
We pulled into Caulkins. I disembarked for the dispatcher while my buddy parked the car in front of the least-occupied bay.
I spoke with Alan about getting the tire fixed, remarking that they looked very busy. "Nope, we can get to it right away," says he. He returns 30 seconds later to report, "Heck, they'd already started on it before I got there."
In less time than I could find a place to sit and open email on my cell phone, Alan returned with a $15 ticket saying, "Ready to go!". In and out in way less than 20 minutes, perhaps 10.
I can't say enough nice things about Caulkins Conoco, Alan the jack of many trades, and their service staff.