Brought my long-haired, double-coated Norwegian Forest Cat to Leslie yesterday. My cat has to be combed every 1-2 weeks because she has tons of really fine fur and an oily coat that tangles and mats in a few days if it isn't combed thru. She won't hold still long enough for me to do it properly by myself- she ends up laying down and getting very hissy. Leslie the owner did a terrific job - I held the cat's head and she handled Lucy really well (Lucy just barely tolerates grooming). She combed thru the fur systematically in sections, did a great job removing a few small chunks of matted fur without having to shave them off, and she got off all the loose hairs. My kitty looks beautiful! Leslie was very professional, knowledgeable, would recommend her highly. She also gave me a tour of the cat boarding area - each one has its own room, bed, playthings, as well as a huge room with lots of toys and climbing trees for group play. A very nice facility - and no dogs to bark and stir things up!