Couples and males, be aware.... I do not want this to come across as a bashing. I believe this therapist has a skill set that can be helpful to some. However, I would proceed very cautiously if you are a male, or a couple involving a male. There is a very palpable bias toward feminism and female empowerment- both of which are, of course, valid and important. These issues are so overwhelmingly addressed and at the forefront, though, that they tend to interfere with the dynamics of the male involved. In my personal circumstance, I firmly believe that this issue and approach cost my partner and I a chance at salvaging our relationship. I would suggest that, if you are a woman seeking to become more in touch with who you'd like to be, or if you need to become more assertive and confident with who you are- Lynn might just be perfect for you. But, if you are a couple or a male, keep what I have said in mind if you go forth. Just some food for thought. Best of luck to all of you.