Gaston Family Health Services (GFHS) has provided family medicine services to Gaston County residents since 1992. GFHS was formed as a non-profit clinic at the health department with a charge to provide health care to the under-served of our community. Recognizing that this population (the uninsured, Medicaid, and low-income Medicare) has many special needs, the GFHS program has evolved into a much more comprehensive care provider than the typical family medicine practice. In addition to traditional primary care (health maintenance, and acute and chronic disease care) provided by physicians and mid-level providers, GFHS also provides behavioral/mental health counseling, pharmacy services, chronic disease education programs (in diabetes, asthma, and weight loss), nutritional counseling, medication counseling, and a medication assistance program, as well as case management programs. GFHS also operates five dental facilities and serves as the employing entity for Gaston County’s Parish Nurses.